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prototype을 사용하여, 앞에서 만들었던 함수를, 다시 작성하였다.

<script type="text/javascript">

// 만든이 :

function parsingURI ( uri ) { 

	 var regExp = /^([^:/?#]+:)?(\/{2})?([^/?#]*)?([^?#]*)(\?[^#]*)?(#.*)?/; 
	 // original source : /^(([^:/?#]+):)?(\/\/([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?/ 

	 splitUp = uri.match( regExp ); 

	 if ( splitUp == null ) return null; 

	 for ( var n = 0; n < splitUp.length; n++ ) if ( splitUp[ n ] == undefined ) splitUp[ n ] = ''; 

	 this.uri 		 = function () {   return splitUp[ 0 ];   }; 
	 this.protocol 	 = function () {   return splitUp[ 1 ];   }; 
	 this.slashes 	 = function () {   return splitUp[ 2 ];   }; 		 = function () {   return splitUp[ 3 ];   }; 
	 this.pathname 	 = function () {   return splitUp[ 4 ];   }; 	 = function () {   return splitUp[ 5 ];   }; 
	 this.hash 		 = function () {   return splitUp[ 6 ];   }; 

	 this.origin 		 = function () {   return this.protocol() + this.slashes() +;   }; 

	 this.hostname 	 = function () {   return /:\d*$/ )[0];   }; 

	 this.port 		 = function () { 
					 var portNumber = /\d*$/.exec ( ); 
					 if ( portNumber == null ) return ''; 
					 return portNumber; 

parsingURI.prototype.encoding = function () { 

	 for ( var n = 0; n < splitUp.length; n++ ) splitUp[ n ] = encodeURI( splitUp[ n ] ); 

parsingURI.prototype.decoding = function () { 

	 for ( var n = 0; n < splitUp.length; n++ ) splitUp[ n ] = decodeURI( splitUp[ n ] ); 


변환하기 ( encoding )

full URI :::

protocol of URI :::

host of URI :::

pathname of URI :::

search of URI :::

hash of URI :::

origin of URI :::

hostname of URI :::

port of URI :::

변환하기 ( decoding )

full URI :::

protocol of URI :::

host of URI :::

pathname of URI :::

search of URI :::

hash of URI :::

origin of URI :::

hostname of URI :::

port of URI :::

웹브라우저에서 읽어들인 값으로 가져오기

<p id="uri"></p>

<p id="protocol"></p>

<p id="slashes"></p>

<p id="host"></p>

<p id="pathname"></p>

<p id="origin"></p>

<p id="hostname"></p>

<script type="text/javascript">

// ──────── Get the value read from the Web browser. ───────────────────── 

function get_value_of_browser () { 

	 var separate = new parsingURI ( location.href ); 

	 var uri 		 = separate.uri(); 
	 var protocol 	 = separate.protocol(); 
	 var slashes 	 = separate.slashes(); 
	 var host 		 =; 
	 var pathname 	 = separate.pathname(); 
	 var querystring   =; 
	 var hash 		 = separate.hash(); 

	 var origin 		 = separate.origin(); 
	 var hostname 	 = separate.hostname(); 
	 var port 		 = separate.port(); 

	 document.getElementById( "uri" ) 	 .innerHTML = uri; 
	 document.getElementById( "protocol" )  .innerHTML = protocol; 
	 document.getElementById( "slashes" )  .innerHTML = slashes; 
	 document.getElementById( "host" ) 	 .innerHTML = host; 
	 document.getElementById( "pathname" ).innerHTML = pathname; 

	 document.getElementById( "origin" ) 	 .innerHTML = origin; 
	 document.getElementById( "hostname" ).innerHTML = hostname; 


웹 브라우저의 값을 변환하기 ( encoding )

<p id="enUri"></p>

<p id="enProto"></p>

<p id="enSlash"></p>

<p id="enHost"></p>

<p id="enPath"></p>

<p id="enOrig"></p>

<p id="enHnm"></p>

<script type="text/javascript">

// ──────── 변환하기 ( encoding ) ────────────────────────────── 

function encode () { 

	 var separate = new parsingURI ( location.href ); 


	 var uri 		 = separate.uri(); 
	 var protocol 	 = separate.protocol(); 
	 var slashes 	 = separate.slashes(); 
	 var host 		 =; 
	 var pathname 	 = separate.pathname(); 

	 var origin 		 = separate.origin(); 
	 var hostname 	 = separate.hostname(); 

	 document.getElementById( "enUri" ) 	 .innerHTML = uri; 
	 document.getElementById( "enProto" ) 	 .innerHTML = protocol; 
	 document.getElementById( "enSlash" )  .innerHTML = slashes; 
	 document.getElementById( "enHost" ) 	 .innerHTML = host; 
	 document.getElementById( "enPath" ) 	 .innerHTML = pathname; 

	 document.getElementById( "enOrig" ) 	 .innerHTML = origin; 
	 document.getElementById( "enHnm" ) 	 .innerHTML = hostname; 


웹 브라우저의 값을 변환하기 ( decoding )

<p id="deUri"></p>

<p id="deProto"></p>

<p id="deSlash"></p>

<p id="deHost"></p>

<p id="dePath"></p>

<p id="deOrig"></p>

<p id="deHnm"></p>

<script type="text/javascript">

// ──────── 변환하기 ( decoding ) ────────────────────────────── 

function decode () { 

	 var separate = new parsingURI ( location.href ); 


	 var uri 		 = separate.uri(); 
	 var protocol 	 = separate.protocol(); 
	 var slashes 	 = separate.slashes(); 
	 var host 		 =; 
	 var pathname 	 = separate.pathname(); 

	 var origin 		 = separate.origin(); 
	 var hostname 	 = separate.hostname(); 

	 document.getElementById( "deUri" ) 	 .innerHTML = uri; 
	 document.getElementById( "deProto" ) 	 .innerHTML = protocol; 
	 document.getElementById( "deSlash" )  .innerHTML = slashes; 
	 document.getElementById( "deHost" ) 	 .innerHTML = host; 
	 document.getElementById( "dePath" ) 	 .innerHTML = pathname; 

	 document.getElementById( "deOrig" ) 	 .innerHTML = origin; 
	 document.getElementById( "deHnm" ) 	 .innerHTML = hostname; 


이 글의 주소 (href of this post) :::

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