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자바스크립트에서의 0. ( Zero in javascript )

<button onclick="testing()"> Click me </button>
<p id="demo1">   </p>
<p id="demo2">   </p>

function testing (){
    var x = ""; 
    document.getElementById( "demo1" ).innerHTML = 0 == x; 
    document.getElementById( "demo2" ).innerHTML = 0 === x; 
0 == +0 0 === +0 0 != +0 0 !== +0
0 == -0 0 === -0 0 != -0 0 !== -0
0 == false 0 === false 0 != false 0 !== false
0 == "" 0 === "" 0 != "" 0 !== ""
0 == [ ] 0 === [ ] 0 != [ ] 0 !== [ ]
<button onclick="testing()"> Click me </button>
<p id="demo3">   </p>
<p id="demo4">   </p>

function isZero ( x ){  return x === 0;  } 

function testing (){
    var num = 0; 
    var str = ""; 
    document.getElementById( "demo3" ).innerHTML = isZero( num ); 
    document.getElementById( "demo4" ).innerHTML = isZero( str ); 
isZero( +0 )
isZero( -0 )
isZero( false )
isZero( "" )
isZero( [ ] )
<button onclick="testing()"> Click me </button>
<p id="demo5">   </p>
<p id="demo6">   </p>

function testing (){
    var a = 1 / +0; 
    var b = 1 / -0; 
    document.getElementById( "demo5" ).innerHTML = a; 
    document.getElementById( "demo6" ).innerHTML = b; 
function isNegativeZero ( x ){  return x === 0 && (1/x) === -Infinity;  } 
isNegativeZero( -0 )
isNegativeZero( +0 )
isNegativeZero( 0 )

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