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[ Javascript ] some() of the array


<script type="text/javascript">
 * source : 

if ( ! Array.prototype.some ){ 
     Array.prototype.some = function some ( func , toBeThis ){ 

          if ( this == null || typeof func !== "function" ){ 
               var message = ( this == null ) ? "Array.prototype.some called on null or undefined" : 
                                      "First argument must be a function."; 
               throw new TypeError( message );

          var obj = Object( this ); 
          var length = obj.length >>> 0; 

          var thisArg = arguments.length >= 2 ? arguments[1] : void 0; 

          for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ){ 
               if ( i in obj &&, obj[i], i, obj) ){ 
                    return true; 

          return false;

또는, ( Another way is below. )

<script type="text/javascript">
// source : 

if ( ! Array.prototype.some ){ 
     Array.prototype.some = function some ( func , toBeThis ){ 

          if ( this == null || typeof func !== "function" ){ 
               var message = ( this == null ) ? "Array.prototype.some called on null or undefined." : 
                                      "First argument must be a function."; 

               try {  throw new Error( message );  } 
               catch( error ) { 
                = "TypeError"; 
                         throw error; 

          var thisArg = arguments.length > 1 ? toBeThis : undefined; 

          var obj = Object( this ); 
          var length = obj.length >>> 0; 
          var isString = false; 
          var x; 

          if ( obj ) == "[object String]" ){ 
               isString = true; 

          for ( x = 0; x < length; x++ ){ 
               if ( x in obj ){ 
                    if ( isString && obj[ x ] == undefined ){  obj[ x ] = this.charAt( x );  } 
                    if ( thisArg, obj[x], x, obj ) ){  return true;  } 

          return false; 

some() :
내가 설정한 조건에 맞아떨어지는 것이 배열 안에 들어있는지를 확인할 수 있다.
When you have set the condition in the function,
you can check whether a item matching that condition is in array.

Example 1

10 글자가 넘어가는 단어가 하나라도 있는가? ( Is there at least one string that contain more than 10 characters? )

<button onclick="testing()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">

var maximum = 10; 

function isExceeded ( value ) {  return ( "" + value ).length > maximum;  } 

function testing (){ 

     var names = [ "Sirius", "Tonks", "NearlyHeadlessNick", "Luna" ]; 

     var check = names.some( isExceeded ); 

     demo.innerHTML = check; 

Example 2

홀수가 단 한 개라도 들어있는가? ( Is there contained at least one odd number in array? )

아래의 세 예문은, 홀수가 있는지 없는지를 확인하는 방법이다.
In three examples below, it checks whether an odd number exists.

<button onclick="testing()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">

function testing (){ 

     var numbers = [ -8, -2, 3, 6 ]; 

     var check = numbers.some( function ( value ){ return !isNaN( value ) && Math.abs( value ) % 2 === 1; } ); 

     demo.innerHTML = check; 


<button onclick="testing()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">

function isOdd ( value ) {  return !isNaN( value ) && Math.abs( value ) % 2 === 1;  } 

function testing (){ 

     var numbers = [ -8, -2, 3, 6 ]; 

     var check = numbers.some( isOdd ); 

     demo.innerHTML = check; 


<button onclick="testing()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">

function testing (){ 

     var numbers = [ -8, -2, 3, 6 ]; 

     var check = false; 

     for ( var x = 0; x < numbers.length; x++ ){ 

          var value = numbers[ x ]; 

          check = !isNaN( value ) && Math.abs( value ) % 2 === 1; 

          if ( check ){  break;  } 

     demo.innerHTML = check; 

Example 3

허용된 범위를 벗어나는 숫자가 있는가?
Is there a number that is outside the allowable range?

<button onclick="testing()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo1"> </p>

<p id="demo2"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">

var range = { minimum: 10, maximum: 20 }; 

var array_1 = [  2, 14, 16 ]; 
var array_2 = [ 12, 14, 16 ]; 

function testing (){ 

     var result1 = checking( array_1 ); 
     var result2 = checking( array_2 ); 

     demo1.innerHTML = result1; 
     demo2.innerHTML = result2; 

function checking ( array ){ 

     var isOutsideRange = function ( value ){ 
          return !isNaN( value ) && ( value < range.minimum || value > range.maximum ); 

     var check = array.some( isOutsideRange ); 

     var text = "<br />"; 

     if ( check ){ 
          text += "예, 범위를 벗어난 숫자가 하나 이상 있습니다. <br />"; 
          text += "Yes, numbers that are outside the range, are one or more. <br />"; 
     else { 
          text += "아니오, 모든 숫자가 범위 안에 들어갑니다. <br />"; 
          text += "No, all numbers are within the allowed range. <br />"; 

    return text; 

Example 4

최고 기록을 세웠는가? Is that the best record?

<button onclick="testing1()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo1"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">

var scores = [ 5, 8, 10, 3 ]; 

function testing1 (){ 

     var current = 7;

     var higherThanCurrent = 
          function ( score ){ return score > current; }; 

     var text = "<br />";

     if ( scores.some(higherThanCurrent) ){ 
          text += "이런, 다시 해보세요! <br />"; 
          text += "Oops, try again! "; 
     else { 
          text += "축하합니다! 최고 기록을 세우셨네요. <br />"; 
          text += "Congratulations, you've got the best record! "; 

    demo1.innerHTML = text + "<br />"; 
<button onclick="testing2()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo2"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">

var scores = [ 5, 8, 10, 3 ]; 

function testing2 (){ 

     var current = 10;

     var higherThanCurrent = 
          function ( score ){ return score > current; }; 

     var text = "<br />";

     if ( scores.some(higherThanCurrent) ){ 
          text += "이런, 다시 해보세요! <br />"; 
          text += "Oops, try again! "; 
     else { 
          text += "축하합니다! 최고 기록을 세우셨네요. <br />"; 
          text += "Congratulations, you've got the best record! "; 

    demo2.innerHTML = text + "<br />"; 

또는 ( Or, )

<button onclick="testing1()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo1"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">

var scores = [ 5, 8, 10, 3 ]; 

function higherThanCurrent ( score ){ 
    return score > this; 

function testing1 (){ 

    var current = 7; 

    var result = scores.some( higherThanCurrent, current );

    var text = "<br />";

    if ( result ){ 
          text += "이런, 다시 해보세요! <br />"; 
          text += "Oops, try again! "; 
    else { 
          text += "축하합니다! 최고 기록을 세우셨네요. <br />"; 
          text += "Congratulations, you've got the best record! "; 

   demo1.innerHTML = text + "<br />"; 
<button onclick="testing2()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo2"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">

var scores = [ 5, 8, 10, 3 ]; 

function higherThanCurrent ( score ){ 
    return score > this; 

function testing2 (){ 

    var current = 10; 

    var result = scores.some( higherThanCurrent, current );

    var text = "<br />";

    if ( result ){ 
          text += "이런, 다시 해보세요! <br />"; 
          text += "Oops, try again! "; 
    else { 
          text += "축하합니다! 최고 기록을 세우셨네요. <br />"; 
          text += "Congratulations, you've got the best record! "; 

   demo2.innerHTML = text + "<br />"; 

Example 5

some() 함수가 return시키는 값은 언제나 true 아니면 false 이다.
"some()" function always returns true or false.

<button onclick="testing1()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo1"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">

var scores = [ 5, 8, 10, 3 ]; 

function testing1 (){ 

     var current = 7;

     var text = scores.some( higherThanCurrent, current );

     demo1.innerHTML = text; 

function higherThanCurrent ( score ){ 
     var text = "<br />";

     if ( score > this ){ 
          text += "이런, 다시 해보세요! <br />"; 
          text += "Oops, try again! "; 
     else { 
          text += "축하합니다! 최고 기록을 세우셨네요. <br />"; 
          text += "Congratulations, you've got the best record! "; 

     return text + "<br />"; 
<button onclick="testing2()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo2"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">

var scores = [ 5, 8, 10, 3 ]; 

function testing2 (){ 

     var current = 10;

     var text = scores.some( higherThanCurrent, current );

     demo2.innerHTML = text; 

function higherThanCurrent ( score ){ 
     var text = "<br />";

     if ( score > this ){ 
          text += "이런, 다시 해보세요! <br />"; 
          text += "Oops, try again! "; 
     else { 
          text += "축하합니다! 최고 기록을 세우셨네요. <br />"; 
          text += "Congratulations, you've got the best record! "; 

     return text + "<br />"; 

Example 6

배열 안에서, 원하는 위치까지만 실행하기.
Execute until the desired index in array.

<button onclick="testing()"> Click me </button>

<p>세번째 숫자까지만 더하시오. Add until the third number. </p>

<p id="numbers"> 6, 13, 25, 37, 40 </p>

<p id="demo"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">

var numbers = [ 6, 13, 25, 37, 40 ]; 

var sum = 0; 

function example ( num, index ){ 

     sum += num; 

     return index > 2; 

function testing (){ 

     numbers.some( example ); 

     demo.innerHTML = sum; 

return시킬 값을 설정하지 않으면, some()의 괄호 안에 넣어준 함수는
그 배열의 끝까지 계속해서 실행된다.
If the return value is not defined,
a function for inputting in brackets of "some()" method, is run repeatedly until last value in array.

<button onclick="testing()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">

var numbers = [ 6, 13, 25, 37, 40 ]; 

var sum = 0; 

function sumTotal ( num ){ // ← 이 함수에는 리턴값이 없음!! ( This function has no return value!! ) 

     sum += num; 

function testing (){ 

     numbers.some( sumTotal ); 

     demo.innerHTML = sum; 

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