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최종 수정일 : 2016. 10. 27

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[ Javascript ] includes() in the string


<script type="text/javascript">
// source : 
if ( ! String.prototype.includes ){ 
     String.prototype.includes = function includes ( searchString, startPosition ){ 
          if ( searchString ) === "[object RegExp]" ){ 
               try {  throw new Error( "First argument to String.prototype.includes can't be a regular expression" );  } 
               catch ( error ){ 
                = "TypeError"; 
                         throw error; 
          return this.toString().indexOf( searchString, startPosition ) > -1; 

Example 1

includes()는 확인하려는 문자(문자열)이 전체 문장 안에 들어있는지 아닌지를 알려준다.
The includes() shows whether or not an entire string contains the characters that you are checking.

<button onclick="testing1()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo1"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">

function testing1 (){ 
    var string = "Hi everyone. Welcome to my blog."; 
    var result = string.includes( "everyone" ); 
    demo1.innerHTML = result; 
<button onclick="testing2()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo2"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">

function testing2 (){ 
    var string = "This post number is 167."; 
    var result = string.includes( 167 ); 
    demo2.innerHTML = result; 

Example 2

includes()는 대소문자를 구분한다.
The includes() is case sensitive.

<button onclick="testing1()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo1"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">

function testing1 (){ 
    var string = "Hi everyone. Welcome to my blog."; 
    var result = string.includes( "welcome" ); 
    demo1.innerHTML = result; 
<button onclick="testing2()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo2"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">

function testing2 (){ 
    var string = "Hi everyone. Welcome to my blog."; 
    var result = string.includes( "Welcome" ); 
    demo2.innerHTML = result; 

Example 3

전체 문장 안에서, 시작할 위치를 따로 지정해주면, includes()는 그 위치에서부터 실행해 나간다.
Within the entire string, you can specify the position to start functioning.

<button onclick="testing1()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo1"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">

function testing1 (){ 
    var string = "Hi everyone. Welcome to my blog."; 
    var result = string.includes( "everyone", 3 ); 
    demo1.innerHTML = result; 
<button onclick="testing2()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo2"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">

function testing2 (){ 
    var string = "Hi everyone. Welcome to my blog."; 
    var result = string.includes( "everyone", "3" ); 
    demo2.innerHTML = result; 

Example 4

지정한 위치값이 전체 문장의 길이보다 클 경우,
그 문장의 바깥에서 함수를 시작하라는 뜻이 돼버리므로, 결과는 항상 false이다.
If a position value is specified greater than the length of entire string, it always returns false.
Because it means that you want to start functioning, beyond the end of a string.

<button onclick="testing1()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo1"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">

function testing1 (){ 
    var string = "Hi everyone. Welcome to my blog."; 
    var result = string.includes( "blog.", 33 ); 
    demo1.innerHTML = result; 
<button onclick="testing2()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo2"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">

function testing2 (){ 
    var string = "Hi everyone. Welcome to my blog."; 
    var result = string.includes( "post", 33 ); 
    demo2.innerHTML = result; 

Example 5

지정한 위치값이 음수일 경우,
위치값은 0(zero)으로 계산되며, 전체 문장의 맨 앞에서부터 확인해나간다.
If a position value is a negative number, the position value is changed to zero(0).

<button onclick="testing1()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo1"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">

function testing1 (){ 
    var string = "Hi everyone. Welcome to my blog."; 
    var result = string.includes( "everyone", -5 ); 
    demo1.innerHTML = result; 
<button onclick="testing2()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo2"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">

function testing2 (){ 
    var string = "Hi everyone. Welcome to my blog."; 
    var result = string.includes( "everyone", "-5" ); 
    demo2.innerHTML = result; 

Example 6

확인하려는 문자열이 아무것도 없는 빈 문자열( "" )일 경우, 결과는 항상 true이다.
If the character to check for is empty string, it always returns true.

<button onclick="testing1()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo1"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">
function testing1 (){ 
    var string = "Hi everyone. Welcome to my blog."; 
    var result = string.includes( "", 5 ); 
    demo1.innerHTML = result; 
<button onclick="testing2()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo2"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">
function testing2 (){ 
    var string = "Hi everyone. Welcome to my blog."; 
    var result = string.includes( "", -5 ); 
    demo2.innerHTML = result; 

Example 7

문자열이 아닌, 정규식일 경우에는 에러가 나온다.
If the character is not a string, and it's a Regular Expression,
an error occurs.

<button onclick="testing1()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo1"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">
function testing1 (){ 
    var string = "Hi everyone. Welcome to my blog."; 
    try {  var result = string.includes( /everyone/ );  } 
    catch( error ) {  demo1.innerHTML = error.message;   } 
<button onclick="testing2()"> Click me </button>

<p id="demo2"> </p>

<script type="text/javascript">
function testing2 (){ 
    var string = "Hi everyone. Welcome to my blog."; 
    try {  var result = string.includes( /everyone/, -5 );  } 
    catch( error ) {  demo2.innerHTML = error.message;   } 

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