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최종 수정일 : 2016. 12. 1.

[ Javascript ] onfocusin & onfocusout

Example 1

마우스 버튼으로 클릭하거나, 키보드의 Tab키를 이용하여, ( 또는 Shift + Tab ),
아래의 입력란과 링크 사이를 이동해보세요.
By clicking the mouse button, or using the Tab (or Shift + Tab) key on the keyboard,
move between the input field and link, below.

Example 1

<h1 id="exam1">Example 1 </h1>

<p>마우스 버튼으로 클릭하거나, 키보드의 Tab 키를 이용하여 ( 또는 Shift + Tab ), <br />
아래의 입력란과 링크 사이를 이동해보세요. <br /><br />
By clicking the mouse button, or using the Tab (or Shift + Tab) key on the keyboard, <br />
move between the input field and link, below. </p><br />

<input id="myInput" type="text" value="Click me" onfocusin="getFocus()" onfocusout="loseFocus()" /> <br /><br />
☞ <a href="#exam1">Example 1</a> <br /><br />

<script type="text/javascript">
var tag = document.getElementById( "myInput" ); 

function getFocus (){ = "yellow";  } 

function loseFocus (){ = "pink";  } 

Example 2

파이어폭스에서는 onfocusin과 onfocusout이 작동하지 않는다. 그 대신, addEventListener()를 이용한다.
In Firefox, onfocusin & onfocusout does not work. Use addEventListener().

Example 2

<h1 id="exam2">Example 2 </h1>

<input id="myInput" type="text" value="Click me" /> <br /><br />
☞ <a href="#exam2">Example 2</a> <br /><br />

<script type="text/javascript">
var tag = document.getElementById( "myInput" ); 

function testing ( event ){ 
     event = event || window.event; 
     var type = event.type; 

     if ( type == "focus" || type == "focusin" ){ = "yellow";  } 
     else { = "pink";  } 

if ( "onfocusin" in tag ){ 
     if ( tag.addEventListener ){ 
          tag.addEventListener( "focusin", testing ); 
          tag.addEventListener( "focusout", testing ); 
     else if ( tag.attachEvent ){ 
          tag.attachEvent( "onfocusin", testing ); 
          tag.attachEvent( "onfocusout", testing ); 
else if ( tag.addEventListener ){ 
          tag.addEventListener( "focus", testing, true ); 
          tag.addEventListener( "blur", testing, true ); 

Example 3

  onFocusIn onFocusOut
실행 횟수
count of execution

Example 3

<div id="myDiv">
    <h1 id="exam3">Example 3 </h1>

    <table border="1">
            <tr><th style="width: 150px">&nbsp;</th><th style="width: 140px"> onFocusIn </th><th> onFocusOut </th></tr>
            <tr><td> target                       </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
            <tr><td> srcElement                </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
            <tr><td> currentTarget            </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
            <tr><td> relatedTarget            </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
            <tr><td> explicitOriginalTarget </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
            <tr><td> originalTarget           </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
            <tr><td> fromElement             </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
            <tr><td> toElement                 </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
            <tr><td> count of execution     </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
    <br />
    ☞ <a href="#exam3">Example 3</a> <br /><br />
    <input type="text" value="Click me" /> <br /><br />
    <select><option> Apple </option><option> Banana </option></select><br /><br />

<script type="text/javascript">

var div = document.getElementById( "myDiv" ); 
var table = div.getElementsByTagName( "table" )[ 0 ]; 

var countIn = 0; 
var countOut = 0; 

function testing ( event ){ 

     event = event || window.event; 
     var type = event.type; 

     if ( type == "focus" || type == "focusin" ){ 
          var index = 1; 
          var count = countIn; 
     else { 
          var index = 2; 
          var count = countOut; 

     var rows = table.rows; 

     var identifyTargeting = function ( targeting, row ){ 
               if ( targeting ){  row.cells[ index ].innerHTML = targeting.nodeName;  } 

               else if ( targeting === null ){  row.cells[ index ].innerHTML = "null";  } 

               else {  row.cells[ index ].innerHTML = targeting;  } 

     identifyTargeting( , rows[1] ); 
     identifyTargeting( event.srcElement , rows[2] ); 
     identifyTargeting( event.currentTarget , rows[3] ); 
     identifyTargeting( event.relatedTarget , rows[4] ); 
     identifyTargeting( event.explicitOriginalTarget , rows[5] ); 
     identifyTargeting( event.originalTarget , rows[6] ); 

     // IE 8 and lower 
     identifyTargeting( event.fromElement , rows[7] ); 
     identifyTargeting( event.toElement , rows[8] ); 

     rows[ 9 ].cells[ index ].innerHTML = count; 

if ( "onfocusin" in div ){ 
     if ( div.addEventListener ){ 
          div.addEventListener( "focusin", testing ); 
          div.addEventListener( "focusout", testing ); 
     else if ( div.attachEvent ){ 
          div.attachEvent( "onfocusin", testing ); 
          div.attachEvent( "onfocusout", testing ); 
else if ( div.addEventListener ){ 
          div.addEventListener( "focus", testing, true ); 
          div.addEventListener( "blur", testing, true ); 

Example 4

  onFocusIn onFocusOut
실행 횟수
count of execution

Example 4

<h1 id="exam4">Example 4 </h1>

<table id="myTable" border="1">
          <tr><th style="width: 150px">&nbsp;</th><th style="width: 140px"> onFocusIn </th><th> onFocusOut </th></tr>
          <tr><td> target                       </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
          <tr><td> srcElement                </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
          <tr><td> currentTarget            </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
          <tr><td> relatedTarget            </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
          <tr><td> explicitOriginalTarget </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
          <tr><td> originalTarget           </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
          <tr><td> fromElement             </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
          <tr><td> toElement                 </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
          <tr><td> count of execution     </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
<br />
☞ <a href="#exam4">Example 4</a> <br /><br />

<input id="myInput" type="text" value="Click me" /> <br /><br />

<select><option> Apple </option><option> Banana </option></select><br /><br />

<script type="text/javascript">

var table = document.getElementById( "myTable" ); 
var input = document.getElementById( "myInput" ); 

var countIn = 0; 
var countOut = 0; 

if ( "onfocusin" in input ){ 
     if ( input.addEventListener ){ 
          input.addEventListener( "focusin", testing ); 
          input.addEventListener( "focusout", testing ); 
     else if ( input.attachEvent ){ 
          input.attachEvent( "onfocusin", testing ); 
          input.attachEvent( "onfocusout", testing ); 
else if ( input.addEventListener ){ 
          input.addEventListener( "focus", testing, true ); 
          input.addEventListener( "blur", testing, true ); 

function testing ( event ){ 
     event = event || window.event; 
     var type = event.type; 

     if ( type == "focus" || type == "focusin" ){ 
          var index = 1; 
          var count = countIn; 
     else { 
          var index = 2; 
          var count = countOut; 

     var rows = table.rows; 

     var identifyTargeting = function ( targeting, row ){ 
               if ( targeting ){  row.cells[ index ].innerHTML = targeting.nodeName;  } 

               else if ( targeting === null ){  row.cells[ index ].innerHTML = "null";  } 

               else {  row.cells[ index ].innerHTML = targeting;  } 

     identifyTargeting( , rows[1] ); 
     identifyTargeting( event.srcElement , rows[2] ); 
     identifyTargeting( event.currentTarget , rows[3] ); 
     identifyTargeting( event.relatedTarget , rows[4] ); 
     identifyTargeting( event.explicitOriginalTarget , rows[5] ); 
     identifyTargeting( event.originalTarget , rows[6] ); 

     // IE 8 and lower 
     identifyTargeting( event.fromElement , rows[7] ); 
     identifyTargeting( event.toElement , rows[8] ); 

     rows[ 9 ].cells[ index ].innerHTML = count; 

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